Paddock Maintenance

There are lots of ways that you can save time and money on paddock maintenance equipment...I keep my horses on a DIY basis on a small yard that I rent as a whole. As such, I do everything!!! I do like to keep the paddocks tidy and well maintained, which takes time, hard work and money. Where I can, I obviously try to save money, but it’s also important to save time (as like the majority of other people, I have to work to afford to keep my horses)! Here are a few things that I have done to save time & money on paddock maintenance and I hope they help you to do the same!

1. Move your horses regularly (i.e rotate paddocks) to reduce poaching the ground.

2. Skip the paddocks out regularly! Removing droppings helps to reduce the risk of your horse suffering from worms and also reduces the growth of weeds.

3. 3. Harrow or level your paddocks (preferably once they are free from droppings) when the ground is dry enough to do so. This helps to aerate the soil, to encourage new growth and helps to level out the divots left by horses galloping around.

4. During the spring, throw grass seed down in gateways (and any bare patches of ground) and fertilise the paddock. Make sure you check with your supplier that the fertiliser is fit for use on horse paddocks as too much nitrogen can create grass that is too rich for horses (unlike cows). In addition, check that the grass seed is suitable, being hardy enough for horse paddocks. It is also important to note that grass seed and fertiliser need to be spread when rain is forecast. Fertiliser pellets left on dry ground for too long will burn the ground and kill the grass!